
Sunday, 10 February 2013


Cloud computing is an emerging approach to shared infrastructure in which large pools of systems are linked together to provide IT networking and mobile commerce is the fuel for such environment's development.
   we see many  cloud computing applications around us . the working principle of cloud computing is similar to the working of smartphone  app the case of app stores, the applications are hosted centrally and a user can buy or install these applications through the internet and these are immediately available on device. similarly , for a large company it's not feasible to provide software for all its employee and take care of software related issues such as upgradation, buy or update licence etc. so the solution for this is to create a library of functions or software's, where every employee can easily access it according to his electricity grid, cloud computing uses the concept of shared service.

Application Programming Interface (API) enables machines to interact with software easily and systems can be accessed remotely using internet. the servers and database  is stored virtually so the need for physical storage space is eliminated here.
The maintenance of cloud computing application's is easier , because they do not need to be installed on each user's computer. A
OpenStack software is one of the powerful tools available, which is freely available under a Apache 2.0 licence. this project is developed to deliver solution's for all types of clouds by being simple to implement ,massively scalable, and feature rich.The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects delivering various components for a cloud infrastructure .
Large amount of data can be stored and accessed by the user in cloud computing. so 
"entire network's  processing power " can be available to the user which ultimately boast the efficiency . 

key features:

  • Virtual Storage 
  • Multitenancy
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Low Maintenance
  • Remote Access

1 comment:

  1. Cloud Computing Really Works and What are its Benefits for Ordinary Users is really impressive. The benefits of cloud computing are explained in such a easy manner. Ordinary users will surely implement cloud computing with help of this blog. Thanks for sharing such valuable information.

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