If you are searching electronics related topics such as electronics circuits & project ideas , or even basic electronics information on google . it proves very much time consuming task & also we can't be 100% sure about the resultant output or say information . so to reduce your efforts towards finding and verifying the data ,i wish u should concentrate on the implementation of your idea !!!
That's why the most trusted and popular website references are discussed in this article. i hope that you will find it as useful.
- Electronics tutorials (www.electronics-tutorials.com )
(www.williamson-labs.com )
Understanding and imagine electronics is made simple by this website. it's creative arrangement & large collection of electronics tutorials with more than 400 URLs in over 90 related subject area, makes much more difference .
also website provides topics with animation and 3D pictures means you will not be bored with it's theory.
- RASPBERRY PI TUTORIALS ( www.raspberrypi-tutorials.co.uk )
this website offers free, comprehensive raspberry pi tutorials .the tutorials are for those who can have access to computer programming language python .
but experience with website and python language make it possible for any one to do programming raspberry pi.
- MY TUTORIAL CAFE ( www.mytutorialcafe.com )
If you are interested in microcontroller related products then this website is for you . website is dedicated to MCS51 microcontroller with traditional 8052,8051,8031 along with modern one such as Atmel AT89S8252 and many derivatives by silicon lab, philips and other.
- ELECTRONICS FOR YOU ( www.electronicsforu.com )
- ELECTRONICS REPAIR GUIDE (www.electronicsrepairguide.com)
this site teaches electronics repair in an easy way. apart from repair of devices like LCD monitor, printers, CRT TV, LCD TV and plasma TV , the site also features the electronics components testing, basics of electronics , technical jokes, and technical courses.
- FRG.COM (www.fastrepairguide.com)
this is useful website for troubleshooting of devices ranging from LCD monitors , and computers motherboard to inverters and printers. it also includes useful articles and repair guides with the links to electronics projects .
- FRC TECH (www.laptop-repair.com)
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